Anti-cancer, good for cardiovascular system/digestive system/ brain, and preventing obesity are ideal usages that make purple food becoming 2017 trendy food.
experts from Whole Foods, an US exclusive brand of safe and healthy food, did a
research to predict food trends in 2017. According to them, purple food, such
as brown rice, purple cabbage, purple yam, purple fruits or grains, are going
to be recommended food and to become favorite choices because of their usage.
the purple color of those produce is from Anthocyanin, a type of antioxidant,
which brings a lot of health benefit.
by experts at the University of Porto (Portugal) or the Medical College Chengdu
(China) found that Anthocyanin works on preventing breast cancer. Moreover,
scientists at North Carolina state University (USA) have also studied about the
ability to prevent the formation of tumors in the prostate of this substance.
is an antioxidant substance. Besides anti-aging, it also helps protecting skin
and the whole body from UV rays, so that the skin can last longer.
Preventing obesity
to researches of Japanese experts, the increase of anthocyanin in human body
could help controlling body weight. Therefore, it’s good for cardiovascular
system, anti-cancer, and to provide other nutritious substances to human body.

Good for the brain
research, which was taken place in 16 years, showed that anthocyanin could
improve the condition of aging brain. The result came out that people who have
had more purple food tend to have better cognitive ability.
Good for
cardiovascular system
can protect heart muscles, capillaries, and prevent oxidation process.
Furthermore, it also helps recovering damaged tissues and rejuvenating
cardiovascular system. The best aspect is that purple food is great in reducing
the risk of heart attack.
Do implement purple produce into your daily meals, such as purple cauliflowers,
brown rice, purple asparagus, and other purple grains.
By Thu Pham