Go to Ha Chau restaurant to try the most delicious dishes in Can Tho City
Thursday, 06/04/2015 08:26
From cooking techniques to presentation style, Ha Chau restaurant, Can Tho City mixed classic, rustic dishes with modern style and presented them in true elegance.

The attraction of the foods is not about the quantity but the arrangement and presentation. All dishes were very eye-catching and well harmonized.

Fruit spring rolls


Country soul( Banh Canh Go)
Hometown spirit addressed through the traditional dish called “Banh canh go”, which is made of rice powder. It is cooked in a rather unique way. The rice powder is mixed with water and put inside a coconut shell with a small hole drilled in the bottom. The chef uses a large chopstick to knock against the shell, so that the powder drops out the bottom into boiling water, so as to make the noodle.“Banh canh” means rice noodle and “go” means knock.
