Also because of this diseases caused by
fungi and mold usually weren’t evaluated properly even though fingernail and
toenail fungal infections, ringworm,
respiratory, urinary and genital fungal infections and worst of all
gastrointestinal tract infections, ... are no longer rare diseases.
According to statistics in European countries, no less than 30 % of people are
victims of multiple mold infections. If the incidence of the disease in our
country occupies just half the rate of other countries, that means there are
already nearly ten million people that should be treated against fungi. With
environmental sanitation and food safety situation as today, the rate of
disease our in country will not be less than other countries.
Diseases caused by fungi destroy our
resistance and also transmit to other people easily? In Vietnam, diseases
caused by fungi become very common because of antibiotic abuse. This is because
pharmacies sell drugs without prescription, and doctors automatically prescribe
drugs without proper assessment. Patients lack of awareness mean that they
expect doctors give them new antibiotic as they believe that it is the only
If people think that fungi and mold are
simple issues like superficial skin problems, hair loss or broken nails then
they are very much mistaken. According to several recent medical reports,
fungal diseases lead to increased cholesterol, atherosclerosis and coronary
vascular embolization. In other words, ‘small holes will still sink a ship’ as
many other diseases will take opportunities to develop in our infected body.
However we can’t just use drugs to kill fungi because there are so many side
effects. Using antibiotics is harmful to our bodies, damaging other organs
without a selection mechanism. So most housewives have other ways to control
fungi and mold, that don’t present bad side effects. They like cooking many
dishes using many kinds of mushroom such as black fungi, small edible
mushrooms, shiitake, oyster mushrooms and bean chicken mushrooms etc.

Cancer experts have verified that beta
glucan found in mushrooms has the function of removing malignant cells by
mobilizing phagocyte and leukemia to eliminate childhood cancer before they
become concentrated enough to become malignant tumors.
Physicians have known for long time the
effects of: black fungus, which maintains the ideal dilution of blood or
reducing pain; shiitake, which increase of antibodies against hepatitis of
Hericium erinaceus or recovering gastrointestinal mucus; “nấm đinh”, a kind of mushroom shaped like a nail and more. In
evidence, the FDA organization has classified those mushrooms which, when used
as foods, can help with cancer prevention.
If we destroy all fungi and mold by
antibiotics then we are doing more harm than good because, in order to balance
the microbiology of our bodies we need the presence of fungi and mold. It will
be a pity if we let them develop and become one of the causes that leads to
diseases and our antibodies getting weaker. If we know how to use foods as
medicine, then prevention is right in front of us on the diner tables.