What are criteria of information that will be promoted on the Golden Spoon website?
There are five criteria to fulfill in order to have your information updated on the website: which are a diverse menu, quality of the dishes must be “delicious, healthy and nutritious”, customer service, food safety and ceramic products used to display the dishes.
Question: When attending the contest, chef, dishes and units will be promoted on the website chiecthiavang.com but then what regulation or criteria we have to follow to be able to be continue to be updated and vice versa? And who or which department will be the one who make decision?
Information, menu of contestant and representing restaurant or hotel will be uploaded on the website. However to evaluate effectiveness and maintain information about individual chefs and dishes that are selected by the organizing committee to be broadcasted, this is done by a group of staff who will follow these criteria:
1. Diverse menu
2.The quality of the dish “delicious, nutritious and healthy”
3.Customer service
4.Food safety
5.Ceramic products
Because chiecthiavang.com is an open website so people who like culinary still be able to participate into voting. Comments of voter also will be considered by organizers and taken into account for evaluating the dish.
Extracted from 2015 Golden Spoon Handbook